
Photovoltaic transform solar energy directly into Electricity.

Our – Made in Austria –Photovoltaic Panels have acquired highest European Certifications and proven to be among the most powerful and high-efficient photovoltaic modules.

Our extremely solid PV Panels (5.400 Pa) and yet and yet light weight (below 20kg) are produced in a state-of-the-art fully automated manufacturing facility in Austria giving us a great standardized PV Panels with zero inaccuracies and allowing us to offer extensive warranties including 10-years product warranty and 25 years leaner performance warranty.

Our leading high efficiency Photovoltaic Panels come with homogeneous design and anti-reflective glass to avoid any sunlight reflection thus maximizing the observation of the entire spectrum of the sunlight and increasing significantly the efficiency and performance.

Automated Manufacturing of Photovoltaic Panels
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